The two guitar players and former members of the Auto Band have decided to explore new horizons, putting aside pop culture to embrace clubbing sounds. With these two guys, there is one clear objective: dancing. The French duo You Man played at the Theatre Bar of Palác Akropolis and we were curious about their first impressions.
Hey guys, could you introduce yourself and your music?
Hey, we're Tepat and Giac. It's never easy to say in words what we do in music. All we can say is that we don’t think too much about the music. In our minds, it is very important to stay naive as much as possible when we compose our tracks. We can make a track in a month or in an hour. There are no rules!
What are your roles in You Man? Who is the boss?
There is complete anarchy in You Man. No boss. Once again, there are no rules. Each one brings what he can bring.
How are you feeling after the show in Prague? Did it fulfill your expectations? And what were the expectations actually?
It was well beyond our expectations! We can't wait to return here. Apparently people know how to party in Prague. That was really a great night. We enjoyed it very much. And next time, we'll stay a little bit longer. We really want to see the National Library; it's one of the most beautiful in the world!
I´ve heard the trip to Prague was a very first flight for Giac. How come? Do you avoid flying for environmental reasons or do you just find it dangerous? Tell us about your first experience.
It was the first time I travelled by plane. I always told myself that when I do it, it will be for a real reason. And this time was a really good one. And that was good to be with my best friend for this very first time. And now I can easily imagine flying again and again in the future.
Tepat, what did you do to make him less stressed in the plane?
Giac didn't seem particularly stressed, or he successfully hid it from me. But still, I held his hand, so he could feel totally calm.
Do you often play outside France? In which countries or venues would you like to play next time?
We’ve just begun to play outside of our borders. We've already played in England, in Germany, and now we’ve discovered Czech Republic and met some cool people there. That's awesome! It was a very exciting experience, of course! Now we feel ready to go anywhere where people will invite us.
Do you think it is easy for emerging artists to reach the international success nowadays? And what do you do to become more famous?
We don't have a clear opinion about that question. Maybe we can’t make music and calculate at the same time. What we can only say is that today internet has abolished borders in a lot of things. And that's a really good thing. But we think we can't control anything in the matter of being famous, or something. We just do what we do, and spontaneously when we do it. We love to be among people when we party.
As you know Palac Akropolis is part of Liveurope. Do you think this initiative could help artists with their international career?
Of course! We think that's a great opportunity to create networks and some cohesion between venues throughout Europe. Maybe it's one more way to abolish borders?
Is music your full-time job or what do you do besides composing and mixing?
Tepat: No, it's not our full-time job. Giac is psychologist and I am a developper. Sometimes Giac hypnotizes me and sometimes I give algorythm to Giac.
Is it difficult to combine your original jobs and making music?
Not really. Of course, sometimes we have overloaded weeks, but it gives us total freedom, in the way that there is no pressure. Everything that happens with You Man is like a bonus.
And we don't know how we’d feel if we played music full-time, but we’d probably love it :)
What are your plans for the near future?
The plans are to work on the live show for our first album "Spectrum of love", shoot a clip for our single "When we fall' with Fonzie, produce some new tracks and release them in 2017, and doing more cool dj-sets in Prague!
What will you always remember about the trip to Prague?
It was too quick, so we have to come back for sure. But we will always remember the kindness of Petra who hosted us. Same goes for Martin who welcomed us at the airport with the "You Man” sign. And the great vibe in the club PALAC AKROPOLIS!