A quick chat with GENTS (DK) on their musical journey and European tour experience

The Danish Cybercroon duo GENTS hit the road this June and rocked the stages of not one, not two, but three Liveurope venues: Sveta (Tallinn), A38 (Budapest) & Močvara (Zagreb). Before making their debut in Croatia, our colleagues at Močvara sat down with the band for a chat. Their gigs were supported by Above 55°, an initiative by Liveurope and the Nordic Culture Fund that aims to boost the promotion of Nordic talent across Europe.
To begin with, please briefly introduce yourselves to our readers. Who are Gents?
Hi! We are Theis and Niels, aka GENTS. We are about to set sails to the Adriatic Sea and play some spa pop songs for the people of Zagreb. According to ChatGPT, we are based in Copenhagen, formed in 2015, and we have even “garnered a reputation for our captivating live performances, known for their energetic and charismatic stage presence.” Come check it out yourself!
Is this your first time in Croatia? What do you expect from the concert?
Yes! And we are so excited about being here. Touring is one of the great benefits of being a musician, and we feel very privileged to be able to travel the world playing our little songs. We want everyone to take part in the GENTS universe. Playing shows is like having a conversation between the artist and the crowd, and we hope the people of Zagreb are ready for a heart-to-heart!
How did your musical journey begin?
In the careless, young and wild nights of Berlin. After high school, we both moved to Berlin to explore the city. We didn’t know any else, so we just ended up spending every night jamming and listening to obscure 80s music.
Where do you get inspiration for your music and visual language?
From all around. We are lucky to live in a city that overflows with amazing music and artists, but inspiration is a funny thing. You never know when you bump into it. Maybe in Zagreb?
If you were to add a third member to the band, which instrument would they play and why?
Maybe an AI! Just tell it to make all the music for us, so we can kick back and chill in the sun. Early retirement. Easy!
Ever since 2019, your concerts abroad have occasionally been supported by the Liveurope platform. What is your opinion about Liveurope and its mission?
Strengthening the European music scene is very important. For us, being able to tour Europe is essential in building and retaining a sustainable career. Music is a magical thing that can help build bridges between people and different cultures, and Liveurope is a great initiative that enables this. Music and touring is a way of making the world bigger and smaller at the same time, and we couldn’t live without it.
Which of your concerts would you choose as your favourite and why?
Uh, yikes. That’s a tough one! We’ve been playing so many shows throughout the years that it’s hard to choose. But today, our show in Kyiv in 2019 stands out for obvious reasons. Hoping to come back one day. Slava Ukraini!
Write us an anecdote from your tour that you have never mentioned in any interview before!
Theis once got bit by a stray dog in Russia. Luckily his immune system can conquer even the toughest dogs, so we kept on touring. A journalist in the UK once called Theis “Mr. One Finger”. Good thing the dog chewed off that particular finger.
If you could choose any place in the world, where would you most like to play?
We have yet to visit a place where we wouldn’t want to go back. So it’s hard to think of a place that we wouldn’t love! But maybe… Mount Everest? Must be crazy up there!
What are your plans for the future?
Trying not to force things these days, so right now, we are just focused on our many shows in the coming months. Hoping to catch y’all out there.